This 30-Day Workout Challenge Can Improve Your Health in 5 Minutes

It only requires a tiny investment of time (and sweat!)

Corrie Alexander
In Fitness And In Health


Image by author, edited in Canva for effect. (No, I’m not actually a smurf!)

Most people see January as the month for adopting fresh changes and new challenges. But personally, I’ve always found September to be a more transformative month. When I was a kid, it was the start of a new school year with different classes, teachers, and peers. And as an adult, it’s the month that I leave the nonchalant, laid-back days of summer behind and roll up my sleeves to finish the year strong.

One way or another, September always ends up being the month that big things happen.

This year, I thought I would embrace this historically transitional month with a new 30-day workout challenge.

Only, mini-sized because I want it to be a fun and easy win!

Want to join me?

(Disclaimer: the content in this article is for informational/entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical or health advice. Always check with your doctor before starting and/or changing your exercise regime.)

The “Fit-Fiver” 30-Day Mini Workout Challenge

