This is The Best Diet To Lose Weight Fast

Make the switch and save your scale forever

Isaiah McCall
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Caitlyn de Wild on Unsplash

I love birthday parties. Happy faces, merry times, and my personal favorite, delicious cake. Everyone takes a piece, forking into the butter-cream topping and reaching that oh-so-good fluffy cake center.

They ask you if you want a piece, to which you respond:

“Sorry… but I’m on a diet.”

Instantly the room turns against you and your villainous statement. Certainly, there’s a devil on your shoulder who will ask: “No cake? But one slice wouldn’t hurt — would it?”

Certainly not! So you break your diet — temporarily, at least we tell ourselves — and will jump back into it after one, maybe two slices of cake (three slices tops). This is the beginning of another failed diet, and while it may seem sensible to blame yourself, it is your mindset towards dieting which has failed you.

Did you know: 95 percent of people fail diets and regain weight. Why is this the case? Because limiting our favorite foods is not sustainable.

Willpower is a finite resource — it’s deeper for others — but eventually you will drive yourself insane or give in. This is why diets have a high failure rate; limiting food options is not a long-term plan.

