This Is the Biggest Secret to Improve Your Pullups and Pushups

And other bodyweight exercises

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readJan 24, 2021


When the quarantine started, gyms shut down everywhere and as a fitness enthusiast that loved lifting weights, this was a highly unwelcome situation for me.

After a few days of whining and complaining, I realized that I had two choices — continue whining or make the most of the situation by working out at home.

I chose the latter and with barely any equipment at my disposal, bodyweight exercises were my best bet — pushups, pullups, nordic hamstring curls, Bulgarian split squats, etc.

With pullups off a ledge wreaking havoc on my fingers and Bulgarian split squats feeling too easy, pushups were what I focused on and fell in love with.

Despite progressing with weighted pushups, my bodyweight pushups weren’t going up. When I swapped out weighted pushups with high volume bodyweight pushups, the numbers started going up.

I built up my pushups endurance greatly. I went from being able to do around 200 pushups in 40 minutes to more than 810 pushups in an hour.

Even then, my bodyweight pushups only went from 20 to around 30. It was decent progress but nothing unreal.

The Secret



Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health

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