This Muscle in Your Calf Can Do Big Things to Improve the Metabolic Health of the Rest of Your Body

Groundbreaking research suggests the soleus muscle pushup is more effective than exercise, weight loss, and intermittent fasting for improving the regulation of blood glucose

Malky McEwan
In Fitness And In Health


Professor Marc Hamilton of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston has identified the ‘soleus pushup’ as the most effective exercise to improve your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

The effect lasts for hours, even while sitting.

His research shows the soleus muscle if activated correctly, can sustain an enhanced BMR. This improves the regulation of blood glucose and is more effective than any other methods, including exercise, weight loss, and intermittent fasting.

Your BMR is the number of calories you burn as your body performs its basic life-sustaining functions. Your body uses oxygen to burn blood glucose or fats, depending on its immediate energy needs.

The soleus is the large muscle on the back of your lower leg. This powerful muscle runs from the back of your shin bone and attaches to your heel bone. When activated correctly, the soleus muscle can raise your BMR for hours.

“We never dreamed that this muscle has this type of capacity. It’s been inside our bodies



Malky McEwan
In Fitness And In Health

Born storyteller. Born curious. Fascinated with what makes people tick and how the world works.