Three Centenarians Blame Modern Habits for Your Poor Lifestyle and Terrible Daily Routine
Your daily habits are the silent longevity killer.
It’s a privilege to know people who have lived a long and healthy life for more than a century, I am fortunate enough to know not one but three of them.
Their combined age total is 312 years, they have lived through the stressful times of war and revolution, and one even served in the army.
Their simple lifestyle isn’t always easy to follow. Self-discipline is etched in their routine and they are the best judges of health and longevity.
One look at your routine and they’ll tell you everything wrong in your life. Their wisdom is beyond comprehension and their critique always hits the nail on the head.
According to them, our lifestyle is the biggest culprit that wrecks our health and ruins our chance of longevity.
This fast-paced life is burdensome and exhaustive for your brain. You are alive but you don’t have the time to live.
These are the worst habits for health according to the three centenarians who have broken the code to longevity.