Top 7 Ways to Lose Weight Quickly

How to lose weight quickly

Jamal Baptiste
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readJun 6, 2022


Losing weight is a difficult and often frustrating process. It takes time, determination, and effort. However, there are some natural methods that can help you lose weight faster than usual. These methods will require you to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet.

If you’re looking for a way to quickly lose weight, the solution is simple: burn more calories than you take in. However, doing this in a short amount of time can be tricky. Instead of cutting back on your favorite foods and fastidious calorie counting, there are other ways to help you reach your target weight faster than you can say “carbohydrates”.

Losing weight is not as difficult as some people make out — all it requires is commitment and dedication to achieve your goals. So if you’re struggling to drop those excess pounds, why not take up one of these effective ways to lose weight quickly?

1. Drink More Water

Believe it or not, keeping track of your daily hydration is a great way to ensure that you lose weight. Drinking water before your meals can help to reduce appetite. Water is often associated with lower calorie intake because it is naturally calorie-free.

Observational studies have revealed that persons who drink primarily water had a lower calorie consumption by up to 9% (or 200 calories) on average.

Start with half your body weight in fluid ounces which will ensure that you are able to hit your daily required amount.

2. Incorporate More Protein Into Your Diet

A high protein intake tends to enhance metabolism due to the high thermic impact and various other variables.

For your daily protein amounts, you’ll want to consume 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Do your best to get high quality minimally processed foods with protein. Some great examples of foods with high-quality foods.

Legumes: Black beans, lentils, pinto beans, lupini beans

Meat: Lamb, lean beef, chicken

Fish: Sardines, salmon, herring, snapper

Greek Yogurt: Nonfat, low-fat

Shellfish: Lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops, clam, trout

Vegetables: Non-starchy vegetables are high in nutrients and low in calories. They are also rich in water and fiber which will assist in the feeling of fullness. The vegetables high in protein are Brussel sprouts, bok choy, mushrooms, arugula, kale, asparagus, spinach, and turnip greens.

3. Eat Slowly

Hormones play a big role in regulating your appetite and calorie intake.

Following a meal, your gut suppresses the hunger hormone ghrelin while simultaneously releasing fullness hormones named leptin.

These hormones signal to your brain that you’ve eaten, which suppresses your appetite, makes you feel full and aids in stopping you from eating.

Slowing down provides your brain the time to receive these messages, which takes roughly 20 minutes.

If you find yourself needing a little more help to get you going why not try a scientifically proven weight loss supplement that’s been proven to increase calorie burning for faster weight loss results -Click here to read more about it

4. Eat Enough Fiber

High-fiber diets aid in the movement of food through the digestive tract, as well as raising waste bulk and reducing constipation. Though this won’t help you lose weight in the traditional sense, it will get rid of any trash that’s been piling up in your stomach — and adding unwanted pounds to the scale.

The food you’ve eaten sits in your gut if you don’t eat enough fiber. This causes the growth of harmful bacteria, which can contribute to gastrointestinal problems.

Though the extra pounds are simply feces, the sluggish feeling makes going to the exercise more difficult. Increasing your fiber intake will keep everything moving and avoid this from happening.

5. Cut Out Processed Foods

When it comes to processed foods, make a priority list. You may not be able to eliminate all of them, but there are certainly many processed foods that can be replaced with significantly better alternatives.

If you don’t have time to create your own food in the morning, try homemade recipes for meal flavors like mustard, mayo, salad dressings, and even some healthy breakfast options.

Make these the night before and keep them in the fridge instead of grabbing some cornflakes and milk so you can take your breakfast and go while still eating nutritiously.

Instead of buying biscuits for the kids to nibble on, consider some snacking ideas that take a little time to prepare but will provide you with plenty of nutrition.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

6. Keep a Food Journal

Using a food journal will help you keep track of what is coming in. This will keep you accountable by measuring exactly the amount of calories you got in during the day as well as how many nutrients you are getting in. This will help to ultimately change your behavior. As you monitor and notice the trends in your overall eating then your adjustments will be easy to implement.

The food journal can lead to overall long-term success. It can help you not to eat out as much and also prevent mindless eating. Measuring your way to success with a food journal will put you in a favorable position to lose weight efficiently.

Journaling is very powerful and can really be a game-changer for those looking for long body recomposition.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

7. Develop a Solid Workout Routine

In order to make transformational gains with any goal developing a structured workout routine will be one of the keys to success.

For weight loss, a structured workout plan will be key in obtaining your weight loss goal. You’ll want to include strength training, cardiovascular training, and walking into your routine.

Strength training: Get in at least 2–3 days of strength training and ensure that each workout is a full-body routine. The more muscles you use the more calories you’ll burn.

Cardiovascular training: Alternate between high-intensity interval training days and steady-state days. High-intensity interval training is short explosive bouts such as sprinting and jumps for 20–30 seconds. Steady-state training is cardiovascular bouts that are longer in duration and distance such as a 2-mile run.

Walking routine: Walk at least 8,000–10,000 steps per day.

It’s not easy losing weight. The key is to develop a plan and keep things as simple as possible. It all starts out with having the will to change and staying consistent with your new plan. All the habits mentioned above will be key to your weight loss success.

If you’re struggling to lose weight, you can try any of these quick ways to lose weight. Start by eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly. To help you lose weight quickly, you can also try adding a weight-loss shake to your diet or go on a vegan diet for a month.

You can also try following the keto diet, which is a high-fat diet that can help you lose weight quickly. Once you’ve started to lose weight, you can look into consuming a nutritional supplement such as protein powder.

(*affiliate link disclaimer* This article contains links to products that you may find useful. If you click on these links and decide to purchase I will make a commission for the sale of that product.)



Jamal Baptiste
In Fitness And In Health

Former WNBA Strength and Conditioning Coach Atlanta Dream | Licensed Massage Therapist | Health Coach | Author |