Using the Graston Technique to Treat Your Injuries

What is it and how effective is it in practice

Ben Ho
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Jane Palash on Unsplash

In 2012, I suffered an ankle injury while I was running down pavement. I didn’t know that the curb dipped down, and my ankle turned on me 90 degrees, and that pretty much ruined my whole summer of running.

In the two years after that, I went through countless physical therapy sessions and got expert advice from the doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital. They had my ankle X-rayed and examined, but they didn’t see any broken bones or anything out of the ordinary. Granted, I am not a doctor or anything, but the X-ray looked acceptable to me as well!

Unfortunately, I still felt pain in my lower left ankle and no one could figure out what was happening. As luck would happen, I randomly got referred to a physical therapist known for using the Graston Technique.

The Graston Technique involves a metal scalpel and moisturizer. The physician applies the moisturizer over your injury and then proceeds to use the metal scalpel to scrape as hard as he/she can over your injury till you screen bloody murder. To say that it hurts like hell is an understatement!

The scraping goes on for about thirty minutes per session. Usually, I end up all sweaty because of all the pain I had to endure.



Ben Ho
In Fitness And In Health

Constant seeker of inspiration — Coder, Traveler, Explorer