Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Want To Feel Better?

Then don’t just sit there

Steve Klubertanz
3 min readApr 12, 2021


Have you ever been bored or mildly depressed, but had no desire or energy to do anything about it?

It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon and it felt like the walls were caving in. I was bored, lethargic, and lazy. For a brief minute, I selfishly felt sorry for myself. It was not a proud moment.

“For the love of God, snap out of it,” I told myself. Do something — anything.

I made a quick decision. Take a bike ride. Don’t second-guess it. Don’t say no to yourself. Don’t allow yourself to change your mind. Do it!

Seven minutes later, I had changed into a t-shirt and shorts, pumped air into the bike tires, hopped onto the seat, and started pedaling. My heart still wasn’t into it, but something drew me to do it anyway.

It was somewhat windy, so I was not keen on the open country roads. I was tired of the local trails. But I needed to go somewhere. But where?

I casually pedaled along some side streets through town, having no particular destination in mind. Turning onto a boulevard, I came upon a local park. I steered my bike in that direction, not really knowing why.

I gently pedaled through the paved path and soaked in the surroundings. Young adults played sand volleyball on the nearby court…



Steve Klubertanz
In Fitness And In Health

Casual observations of the world around me. Trying to make my mark in the world, bit by bit.