Warming Up Isn’t Optional, It’s Optimal
Practice breeds improvement. Warming up primes practice.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again,
I’m not talking about doing little arm stretches across the chest or touching your toes.
I mean a full-on, designated warm-up routine.
I understand we’re all eager to start our workout. Whether that be lifting weights or sprinting on the track, all we care about are the meat & potatoes — the actual workout itself.
Thus, we tend to ignore the veggies — the warm-up preceding the workout.
But if there’s one common agreement among vegetables, it’s that we know they are essential for good health, yet we tend to ignore them.
The same applies to our warm-up. Sure, we can choose to not do it, but our refusal to do so will eventually catch up and grab us when we least expect it.
So when I see athletes — particularly young folks — who are constantly burdened with chronic knee pain, shin splints, or something of that nature while exercising, I get frustrated knowing that a bulk of those nuisances could have been prevented by a decent warm-up.