What Happens to Your Body When You Drink 3 Liters of Water a Day

I drank 3+ liters of water a day for the past month— here’s what happened

Erin Notz
In Fitness And In Health


I like to think I’m typically pretty good about drinking enough water, but I don’t actually track my water intake on the reg. Based on the times in the past I have tracked it, I know I’m not getting 3 liters of water a day. So I wanted to try out a 30-day challenge to drink 3 L of water every single day, just to see what happens!

My 30-Day *3 Liters of Water a Day* Challenge

I started things off by downloading a water tracking app on my phone. (I used Water Reminder for iPhone). There are a bunch of different options, but I liked that this app allowed you to track different beverages besides water!

Since I’m a big coffee drinker, I loved that you could track your coffee intake as well. It only counted as 80% of what a glass of water counts as, but it still adds up if you drink a lot of joe!

P.S. If you’re looking for a delish iced coffee recipe, check out my recipes below!

Related: My Everyday Iced Coffee & Iced Latte recipes

I wanted to track my water intake every day and explain how I felt on a day-to-day basis. That way, I can…



Erin Notz
In Fitness And In Health

Health & wellness writer. B.S. Dietetics. Personal development, mental health, food, fitness & healthy living. Read more: vitality-vixens.com | @vitalityvixens✨