What’s It Like Running in Extreme Heat

One word: hell

Rajan Bhateja
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

It’s too hot to go out!

It’s too cold to go out!

These two sentences sum up the life of every Delhite.

As a fellow Delhite, we usually prefer to stay indoors either in the cold air of AC or curled up in a blanket for a few months, hoping we never have to go out.

That’s the life of every Delhite.

The temperatures in summer rise higher than in previous years and drop lower than in previous winters, and we complain about it.

And the cycle repeats every year…

Thanks to the abundance of people and traffic, it’s expected to hit a half-century (122°F) this year.

In summers like these, which lately, have been the case, we usually stay indoors and rarely go out.

But when we do have to go out, God help us! It feels like you’re in hell. It feels like your skin is burning! Feels like you’re being cooked alive! 5 minutes after you’ve left home, your T-shirt is already wet and you’re thirsty.

As for workouts and running, it’s another hell altogether.

Let me paint you a picture:

It takes you 10 minutes to go to the park, almost a kilometer away. One round around the…

