Where Shall We Walk Today?

Don’t underestimate the power of a walk!

Drthefit | Ankita
In Fitness And In Health


Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@juliacaesar

I did 95 miles walk last month(31 days) without realizing it until my fitness watch sent a notification on my monthly fitness data.

On average, I walked for around 3 miles per day. Most of the days I do a slow walk or include light running in between. I am not a runner but trying to run more in my day.

If you are not familiar with my journey, I started adding walking in my fitness routine last year in May 2020. Since then this is one of the exercise routines stuck with me.

The movement makes me feel more comfortable in my body. The light, even on a cloudy day, gives me joy.

A few months back, I wrote this story on my walking journey. If you like to know how it impacted me as a person and my overall mindset, check out this story.

This is one of the activities I can do almost every day, with little to no preparation, and can do any time in the day. Well- may be this is why I am loving my little walking routine.



Drthefit | Ankita
In Fitness And In Health

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: https://drthefit.substack.com