Why I Use MyFitnessPal to Count Calories on ALMOST Every Meal

If you want to improve something, you have to assess it.

Ken Makimsy Middleton
In Fitness And In Health
8 min readJul 17, 2021


Photo by abillion on Unsplash

“If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.” — Lord Kelvin

EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER: Any advice or recommendation given in my writing is what works for ME and may not be the best regimen for you based on your psychological or physiological makeup and stability. Please consult a doctor when making decisions about your health.

There have been a number of great things that have come from the pandemic for me as it relates to my health.

One of those things is the discovery of a little app called Myfitnesspal that has been a game-changer for my overall health and fitness.

At the age of 25, after I thought the best way to date a personal trainer at my gym would be to get in really good shape, I decided that eating healthier should probably become a priority in my life.

Therefore, I stopped eating all fried food and became pretty maniacal about only eating things that were low in fat content. I always inspected labels and if it had anything more than 5% fat for the daily recommended intake, I would not eat it.

While the relationship with the young lady didn’t last, my healthy eating habits did as I…



Ken Makimsy Middleton
In Fitness And In Health

Alcohol-conscious writer helping people reach their FULL potential in life and their careers. Editor of AINYF | Author of Bamboozled (thebamboozledbook.com)