Why I Work Out

Rafay Zeeshan
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readAug 8, 2020
Photo by Josiah Weiss on Unsplash

When it comes to working out, fitness experts all around the world will tell you how beneficial it is to exercise. Take nothing away from them, working out yields huge benefits to your overall health. However, did you ever ask yourself why? Why do you work out?

This is a question that I recently answered myself. After a couple of years of getting into “better shape”, I finally understood why I do it and why I will continue to do so. Working out has changed my life, and I guarantee it will change yours too.

The Challenge

Working out is challenging, it is hard to stick to. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. It is the uncomfortable nature of working out that deters so many. I worked out sporadically over a long period until I found my why. The reason I workout is to be better every day, to achieve something I couldn’t the day before. It is the challenge of getting better and better that is so addicting. Succeeding at something makes you feel good, and it is this feeling that I chase everyday. After all, who doesn’t want to feel good?


The second reason is the lesson of discipline. Working out has taught me to be disciplined in all areas of my life. Being disciplined is extremely difficult, we all want to relax all the time. There’s nothing wrong with that, however, relaxing all the time leaves you with a feeling of wanting more, doing more, and that is a pitfall that is hard to get out of. Discipline teaches you the art of perseverance and consistency. You don’t build a building in one day. You build it by doing something little every single day. After all, the main lesson behind it is that we must do what needs to be done, to do what we want to.


The third and most important reason is that of longevity. What do I mean by that? Longevity simply means the ability to do something for a prolonged time. That is exactly what I am chasing. To be able to move, to run, to play, to function as efficiently as possible for as long as possible. I want to be able to do the things I love for as long as I can, and that stems from my fear of not being able to do what I love as I get older.

Be it helping other people, contributing to the community or playing any sport. Our mental and physical health is of utmost importance. Exercising gives me the peace I need to do everything else. Try it, it will work for you too.

Starting exercise for a physical goal is commendable and a great place to start. However, to stay committed, you need much more than that. Try to find your why, find the reasons you want to work out. Pursue something bigger than yourself and let exercise be the catalyst to give you the energy to do so. Find the one thing that will make you want to be uncomfortable every day. For it is the uncomfortable environment where growth is achieved.

