Why Kim Kardashian’s Vegan Diet is Anything But Healthy

Madison Mae
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readMar 6, 2021

As you may or may not have seen, Kim Kardashian went plant-based, and is claiming it’s done wonders for her body and her health. While I usually don’t follow any of the Kardashians, this claim caused an uproar in the health and wellness community, so naturally I investigated.

Celebrities like the Kardashians have the power to make a huge impact (unfortunately) and especially on those that know little about the subject that they are discussing — like diet. It can be super easy to look at someone like Kim and think, wow, she looks like THAT, so this must be the right choice for me too. However, the truth is they have millions of dollars and access to the best people in the beauty and fashion industries.

While there are ways to be healthy on a vegan or plant-based diet, Kim Kardashian is not following the diet in a healthy way. Let’s look at what she’s eating each day and why these aren’t healthy plant-based options.

Beyond Burger

According to Vegan Food and Living Beyond Burger sent her a shipment of their products which she has been incorporating into her meals. Before we go into this, another reason why I’m skeptical of celebrities promoting plant-based products like Beyond Burger is because there’s lots of motive for financial gain on their end. Many celebrities own huge portions of these fake meat companies and by promoting them just get richer and richer. Whereas with whole foods and grass-fed meats, there is no way to patent them and no motives behind promoting them.

Let’s look at the ingredients in Beyond Burger:


Where do I even start? First, there are low-quality highly processed vegetable oils such as canola oil and sunflower oil in the burger, one of them being the third ingredient. Second, there are natural flavors, which means a lot of chemicals that they simply don’t have to list out. Third, there’s a lot of weird things that you probably can’t pronounce, which usually isn’t a good sign.

Clevr Blends Vegan Superlatte

Vegan Food and Living also mentions that Kim promoted a vegan superlatte from the brand Clevr Blends. While this product does have a lot of good ingredients, there is one that stands out to me.


Oatmilk powder. Who knew they could now turn oatmilk into a powder? Wouldn’t that just be ground up oats? Anyways, I’m not a huge fan of oats because it is one of the crops drowning in glyphosate. Even organic oats have large amounts of detectable glyphosate. Glyphosate has been linked to all types of chronic health conditions like cancer. Even though it’s non-GMO, it’s not organic and it has not been third party tested for glyphosate.

Vegan Sausage

I already mentioned why I’m not a huge fan of oats. In addition, eating them for breakfast isn’t a wise choice if you are trying to lose fat. Studies have shown eating protein and fat rather than carbohydrates as your first meal actually leads to fat loss and increased metabolic rate throughout the day.

As for vegan meats, they are usually filled with inflammatory vegetable oils and processed soy protein. One article mentioned that Kim loves Morning Star bacon, so let’s look at the ingredients of this product.

Morning Star bacon ingredients

This may even be worse than the Beyond Burger. The second ingredient is soybean oil which is highly inflammatory and processed. There are even more processed soy ingredients further on in the label and processed corn ingredients as well. Similar to oats, corn is a crop drowning in glyphosate. There is artificial coloring like Red 3 and Yellow 6, known to make kids go a little crazy (and cause cancer). More ingredients we can’t pronounce… I think most people will agree that this is a product nobody needs in their diet.

One article I read even goes to suggest a brand called Sweet Earth which makes bacon that are actually vegan (Morning Star contains dairy).

Here are the ingredients of that brand:


Again, similar to all of the other fake meat products mentioned, the ingredients include processed vegetable oils, natural flavors, inorganic soy, and even added sugar.

While I tried a vegan diet and later discovered how it was depleting my energy, causing nutrient deficiency, and ruining my gut, there are ways to make it a healthy diet that could possibly work for you. If you stick with real, whole foods over fake meats made in a lab, you may be fine. Limit your intake of oats, soy, and corn and make sure you’re tracking the foods you’re eating and the nutrients you need.

It can be dangerous to switch to a vegan diet without tracking what you need to eat to meet certain nutrition requirements in order to properly function. And, remember, fake meats don’t have the nutrients that real meats do. In fact, they act as way more of an anti-nutrient because of the dangerous chemicals and highly processed ingredients.

Check out my post on why the popular vegan chicken nugget brand, Nuggs, is an unhealthy fake meat option or why vegan butter isn’t better for you than actual butter.

If you’re interested in reading why a vegan diet isn’t the answer to climate change, check out this post.

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Madison Mae
In Fitness And In Health

Health and wellness for optimizing how you feel and work. #womanintech