Moving to A Sunny Place: Why it’s Better For Your Health

It’s definitely not about getting a tan

Pascal writes
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readJun 6, 2022


The sun glowing brightly as it is coming down during the early evening. There are two palm trees in the front and a house in the background.
Raheelhassanbhutto, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (modified)


There are those who say that living somewhere that has a variety of seasons, from warm to cold temperatures, and a mix of sun, rain, and snow is optimal. However, from a health perspective, it’s clear that sunny and warm weather is better.


When it comes to achieving good physical health, we are mainly talking about eating healthy foods and having an active lifestyle. The first can typically be accomplished in any weather conditions, while the second is easier to pursue in good weather conditions.

What do I mean by good weather conditions? Well, I’m referring to a comfortable temperature and no precipitations. This sort of climate allows you to wear clothes that are comfortable while not being burdensome, and to do any physical exercise you enjoy without fear of getting wet, slipping, getting cold, etc. In fact, even slightly uncomfortable hot weather can be managed safely with proper protection from the sun and water intake during your outdoor activities.

When you live somewhere that is sunny all year round, it’s much easier when you look out the window to find the motivation to step outside the begin with. It doesn’t feel like a hassle, unlike in rainy, snowy, or cold weather. And finding the motivation to move is the first step to maintaining good physical health.

As an added bonus, if you are someone who likes to take part in team sports and activities, it’s a lot easier to convince others to meet you somewhere outside in these conditions. And whichever type of activity you choose to do, solo or with others, the warm weather with clear skies allows you to do it longer or even after sunset, making it easier to plan around your schedule and more likely that you will do it.

Another added benefit to being out in the sun is that it also helps you absorb more Vitamin D at the same time.

A group of people exercising in the middle of a park, on a paved surface, with an instructor guiding them at the front.
Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash


In terms of helping with your overall mental health, sunny weather tends to help people be more cheerful and feel more positive than rainy or cold weather. Who doesn’t appreciate looking out the window and seeing the colors of nature? Or feeling the warmth of the sun on their skin?

On the other hand, a cloudy or cold setting tends to instill a feeling of doom and gloom, making it easier for some to fall into a pessimistic mood. In some cases, such as for people who suffer from a medical condition called seasonal affective disorder, this can lead to clinical depression. And if you’ve known anyone who has this condition, then you know that it’s very real.


There’s a sort of personal feedback loop that occurs from going outside and getting around in the way that only sunny weather permits us to. And being active like that can help you not only stay fit but also feel better in terms of stress relief, keeping your joints healthy, or even clearing your nasal passages by breathing fresh air (if you are somewhere with low pollution).

There is also an aspect of going outside to move that is similar to meditating. More specifically, it gives you time to think about important ideas you are working on or problems and challenges you are trying to solve.


Every obstacle that stands in the way of you being able to go outside or simply be active in general can be used as an excuse to not do so. Humans naturally lean toward following the path of least resistance, and lack of exercise is it very common result of this.

Whether you are simply trying to maintain good physical and mental health, or perhaps have the goal to lose weight or enjoy eating more of what you like without feeling guilty, living somewhere that is sunny and warm and promotes outdoor activity can help you. More exercise equals more calories burned which in turn makes it easier to manage your calories either way.


This is for those who fancy moving somewhere close to a beach, with the intent to spend a lot of time laying on the sand and tanning. I need to point out that, while this can certainly be uplifting mood-wise, it is also the opposite of looking after your physical health.

First of all, regardless of the sunblock you use while tanning, the risk of developing melanoma (skin cancer) is very real over long-term exposure. You must remain vigilant to avoid overdoing it. This is particularly true if you are fair-skinned (example: caucasian/white), or have light or red hair.

I personally know someone who had melanoma and couldn’t go outside without wearing a hat and applying a special cream on his face and ears. He also required several medical appointments to “burn off” spots on his face, leading to very noticeable red spots that took weeks to heal with a special cream. Additionally, this man also had procedures to remove cancerous spots from his temples (sides of the head) a few times, until the doctor could no longer take any off because they became too thin. Lastly, he even had a part of the top of one of his ears surgically removed due to this melanoma.

And despite all I’ve described above, this isn’t really considered to be a severe case of melanoma because it was still “manageable” and did not kill the person…

Secondly, tanning requires no movement or physical effort of any kind. And for anyone who enjoys doing it a lot, you may want to consider reallocating some of that time to a more active and healthy hobby. The less you move, the easier it is to keep doing that, and vice-versa. If you decide to do something that does not promote better health, then it’s better to do it in moderation and assign more time and effort toward doing things that are more beneficial to your health or life in general.


In this article, I discussed the physical and mental health benefits of living in a sunny place. These include having an easier time leaving the confines of your home to stay active, as well as the mood-boosting, stress-relieving, and problem-solving benefits that this sort of weather brings to you.

Q. Are you someone who lives in a sunny place? Why did you choose it?

Q. Are you someone who shies away from the sun? Why is that?

All the best,


PS: You can go here to read more health and fitness articles, or read more about me here.



Pascal writes
In Fitness And In Health

Writing as a way to share my own experience-gained perspective on things and hoping that my thoughts find a home with you.