Why My Dilemma About Knee Surgery Was Not the Real Healing Challenge

The physical pain was a pathway to something deeper


My left knee was injured. Would I ever be able to hike again? (Source: own)

My left knee was in shatters.

I had an ACL (Anterior Crucial Ligament) reconstruction done on my left knee.

This journey started four months earlier when I injured my knee in a taekwondo accident. It was an epic jump kick (sadly, no one filmed it!), but the landing on my left foot was not as epic. I collapsed on the floor howling with pain. I knew I had done serious damage.

I was bound to crutches, or more accurately, to the sofa for the next few weeks. I am usually an active person. Prior to my knee injury, I did taekwondo twice per week, yoga once or twice, ran a nine km loop regularly, and went for walks. I couldn’t do any of this anymore.

It was frustrating.

Tension accumulated in my body, and I scolded myself for my stupidity. I had pushed myself to jump extra high, to reach a goal that had been ten centimeters beyond what I had achieved before. Why had I been so pushy? Why had I been so reactive? What led me in that direction?

I remember the moment of the jump. It felt as if an invisible force took over and made me perform. My actions seemed out of my…



Miri https://www.worldofmiri.com/
In Fitness And In Health

Author of “Heroes of the Quest - An Impossible Team”; blogger; seeker; proud mum; traveller; fan of great coffee, dark chocolate, whales, cats, and magic words