Why Playing Recreational Sports Could Improve Your Life Dramatically

I believe there are three keys to happiness: strong community, exercise, and laughter. Recreational sports have all three.

Honus Wagner
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readApr 26, 2021


Photo by Spikeball on Unsplash

Not enough people are harping on the value of recreational sports. While many may look at outdoor activities as fun but not-life-changing pastimes, I look at them as monumental activities that can impact every aspect of your life.

While there are no obvious direct ties from having fun on a soccer field to performing well at work or having quality romantic relationships, I’d argue that there are many indirect links between them. If recreational sports lead to a bolstered support system and a general improvement in happiness and health (which it does), then it is merely a tiny hopscotch hop to link sports to a better life.

The beauty of recreational sports is they welcome everyone. From ex-elite athletes to total noob players, recreational sports offer a space where anyone and everyone can come play and feel welcome.

It’s important to point out that there are a variety of recreational sports. I’ve played in a co-ed soccer league where my team was the only co-ed team and the only team that was there to have fun — that was not the type of league that fosters an improved life. In fact, I sprained my ankle in game one because someone slide tackled me from behind 😬

Entering into a league that is more about fun will be your best bet to reap the benefits of recreational sports. Whether you’re the big bopper who hits a home run every time or the new player who everyone wants to get their first hit, as long as the league is about fun, it’s pretty guaranteed you’ll have a good time.

Don’t have a league to play in (or don’t want to pay the sometimes-hefty league fees)? Start your own! Recreational sports can be as simple as 4 friends playing Spikeball. You get to catch up, run around, challenge yourself, and have fun!

I had this dream of creating a community of kind and fun-oriented people to play sports with and now have a group of 20+ folks who love to come out to play Wiffle ball every weekend! For many of them, it’s the highlight of their weeks, which makes my heart do a triple backflip.

Strong Community

There’s something magical about the setting of recreational sports for socializing. It’s not the pressure-filled setting of a party where it’s easy to retreat into your phone because you need to find something to do. At sports, there’s always something to do! It provides the best landscape for feeling un-awkward. No one to talk to? Stretch, warm-up, take some practice swings, kick around the ball, observe the game, easy!

Typically folks who play recreational sports (for fun) are going to be warm and welcoming individuals. It’s in the DNA of team sports (that are for fun) to have people actually want to be nice to others because working together is in the team’s best interest.

Possibly the best part of playing sports with friends is the post-sports lunch or dinner! You get to catch up with everyone having all shared the same experience so there’s no shortage of what to talk about or who to talk to. Plus, your endorphins are running high due to having just exercised.

Exercise & Sunshine

Not sure if you knew, but exercise and sunshine literally make you happier.

Recreational Exercise Benefits

  • Boosts endorphins, dopamine, and adrenaline (all happiness hormones)
  • Literally makes you better at socializing
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Boosts your confidence
  • Improves your cardiovascular health
  • Improves sleep

Sunshine Benefits

  • Improves sleep as well
  • Reduces stress
  • Strengthens bones (Vitamin D)
  • Strengthens your immune system (Vitamin D)

I didn’t want to go in-depth about all of these because I feel there are thousands of articles highlighting these benefits and I know you only have so much time to read this recreational sports promo 🤣


Finally, laughter is one of the most beautiful things about being human. We do this weird involuntary thing where we emit noise while smiling (try laughing without smiling, you’ll start actually laughing) and it feels so good.

How magical is that?

Sports with friends is such an amazing way to laugh. Everyone is typically in good spirits on the field and (as long as it’s for fun) folks will likely be doing some silly things. Whether it’s on purpose or not, you will laugh, I promise!

Take a Look at this Long List of Laughter Benefits (Reference)

  • Activate and relieve your stress response. A big laugh activates and then swiftly cools down your stress response which results in feeling relaxed.
  • Soothe tension. Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.
  • Improve your immune system. Negative thoughts can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity whereas positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and illnesses.
  • Relieve pain. Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.
  • Increase personal satisfaction. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations and helps you connect with other people.
  • Improve your mood. Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and make you feel happier.

Next time you laugh or even smile, just appreciate this incredible aspect of being human. :)

It’s not that recreational sports are a small part of what makes me happy, it’s that they’re one of the most happy-inducing parts of my week, every week.

So what’re you waiting for? Get outside with some friends, bond, exercise, and laugh, all through the power of recreational sports!



Honus Wagner
In Fitness And In Health

Trying to make better sense of the world one day at a time. :D