Why You Fail Every No-Carb Diet

And how to be successful using two ingredients

Project HBE
In Fitness And In Health


Unsplash / Frank Flores

“Do you prefer rice or bread?”

Most people answer one or the other, but everyone would agree these carbs are a must-have in our diet. Some of us are consuming these carbs in all of our meals, particularly in some ethnic backgrounds where rice is a staple in every meal.

Rice and bread are cost-efficient, simple to prepare, and complimentary to every dish. But my frustration with these carbs is their highly starchy nature. They tend to be the biggest enemies to weight loss by causing a spike in our blood sugar the moment we have them, causing our food cravings to intensify. We easily consume much more than we burn off.

No-carb diets, including everyone’s-favorite keto, address the common overconsumption of carbs by completely exiling them from our diet, including fruits, beans, and even some vegetables. It becomes difficult to meet our basic nutritional goals with extreme types of dieting like this. Our bodies still need carbs and we lose out on important nutrients in fruits and vegetables.

These awfully restrictive diets are challenging for most people because it makes us painfully aware of the hardships of dieting: being perpetually hungry, feeling unsatisfied after every meal, and wanting to stuff the void with…



Project HBE
In Fitness And In Health

2x Top Writer. We’re young adults who are curious about health, business, education, and culture.