Why You Should Be Lifting Weights
You should be lifting because strength is never a weakness.
Spoken like a real strength coach. But seriously, when has being strong, mentally, physically, and emotionally ever been a bad thing?
The world right now is focused on mental and emotional well-being. And the body-positive movement has made the line of what is objectively healthy and what society wants healthy to be seen as.
Personally, I think it’s a cop-out. There’s absolutely no problem with enjoying your weight. Just do not claim something to be what it is not. Weight, of any kind, at a point, becomes very detrimental to health. It’s why taller people don’t normally live as long as shorter people, there’s less body to keep alive. It makes it easier for your body to stay alive. More importantly, allowing people to cop out absolutely does not positively impact their mental and emotional well-being. This isn’t a call for action for everyone to lose weight. Just to point out an error in this push for social norms. And tie it into why you should lift weights.
The NFL hosts some of the largest people on the planet. Having athletes weigh well over 300lbs and compete in a high-speed sport with incredible abilities to match the lighter counterparts. NFL Offensive Lineman and some…