Will You Affect Your Gains With Too Much Cardio?

The question everyone thinks about when trying to lose body fat

Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Capstone Events on Unsplash

In my bodybuilding days, cardio was off-limits during the building phase.

That made a lot of sense then because the focus was entirely on accumulating muscle mass and making diet a priority so you could easily lose body fat.

I quite liked this concept because, for many years, I was a slave to cardio and believed it was the only way to eliminate body fat.

But, taking another path, such as the bodybuilder strategy, helped me understand and prove that it was possible.

Eventually, cardio came into the picture, but it was always for shorter periods, not high intensity. I was not familiar with this at all!

Research gives us conflicting evidence regarding endurance athletes and the potential cardio has to prevent or inhibit muscle adaptations that develop through resistance training.

One of the most significant downsides of cardio (which research has looked into) is performing cardio and weight training together on the same day.



Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: https://bit.ly/4cHgO8r