Women’s Ideal Body Types Throughout the Past 100 Years

The ‘perfect body’ doesn’t exist because it’s always changing

Hannah Ellen
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

One of the most common reasons that women start their fitness journey is to look ‘better’. They want to change how they look, mostly to fit into today’s beauty standard and the ideal body type.

Women say they want to look like Kim Kardashian or Madison Beer or whoever is considered to be the beauty standard at that time but it is totally unrealistic. Wanting to look like other people is near impossible to do because we all have different genetic make-up and it is futile because that person and that body type that we, society deem beautiful at that time will change in a matter years. This has always been the case, what we as a society deem beautiful now is completely different to what we saw as beautiful 10 years ago.

The sad thing is we, society, treat women’s bodies like clothes, a passing fashion trend which is very disturbing. Our bodies are treated just like fashion trends that go in and out of style and we manipulate them just like we manipulate the clothes in our wardrobes.

This is unsettling and dismaying because bodies aren’t supposed to be treated like clothes and trends that are manipulated and changed drastically within a couple of years. By doing this and…



Hannah Ellen
In Fitness And In Health

Just an average, Irish girl with not so average ideas. I enjoy writing about lifestyle, self improvement, fitness, health and anything else that takes my fancy.