You Can be Happier and Healthier

Lower stress with your breath

Isabel Young
In Fitness And In Health
2 min readOct 14, 2021


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

What is Conscious Breathing & Why is it Important?

Breathing is something that we do automatically, but it doesn’t have to be.

Conscious breathing is a technique that brings awareness to each breath.

It can be a powerful tool for our physical and emotional well-being.

It’s important to take care of ourselves. Mindful breathing can help you be more focused, peaceful and live a better life. Breathing techniques can lower your stress. This can help you feel more in control of your life.

Deep Breathing — Increase Your Focus

Deep breathing is one of the most fundamental tools for calming down. It can be an effective tool to reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus and awareness, and relieve pain.

Breathing is often described as the foundation for any meditation practice.

Breathing Techniques for Natural Stress Relief

Breathing techniques are the most common way to relieve stress. They can be practiced anytime, anywhere, and can be done in only a few minutes.

There are many breathing techniques that exist that you can try out at home or at work to help relieve stress.

It is important to note that the technique you choose should fit your needs and comfort levels.

Rhythmic Breathing — Calming & Lowers Stress

The most common technique is deep breathing, which is also known as rhythmic breathing.

This technique requires a person to inhale slowly for a count of five, then exhale for a count of five.

Another Breathing Technique — 4–7–8 Method

With this technique, you inhales through your nose for four seconds.

Then you hold for a count of seven.

Then you exhale completely through your mouth. making a whoosh sound for a count of eight.

This completes one cycle. You can repeat the cycle several times.

Final Thoughts:

Some Benefits of Conscious Breathing:

Effective breathing provides you with better mental clarity.

Deep breathing techniques can help improve focus at work.

Deep breathing can help us reduce stress and improve mental health — Feeling more calm during the day.

Breathing can also help you sleep better, digest your food more efficiently and improve your body’s immune system.

It’s Time to Start Being More

Aware of Your Breath!



Isabel Young
In Fitness And In Health

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.