You Should Avoid Trans Fats

What are you eating?

Isabel Young
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readOct 27, 2021


Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

What are Trans Fats?

Trans fats are the worst kinds of fats that you can consume. They are not just bad for your heart, but they’re bad for your brain.

Trans fats are created by taking liquid oil and hydrogenating it to make it solid at room temperature. They were created to provide a longer shelf life to foods, but they provide many negative effects on our health.

What Causes Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease is a group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels. The most common cause of cardiovascular disease is high cholesterol, which leads to atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is caused by plaque build-up in the walls of the arteries. The plaque contains fat, cholesterol and other substances. This increases the thickness of artery walls, leading to increased blood pressure and risk of heart attack or stroke.

The Link Between Fat and Cardiovascular Disease:

There are three types of fat: saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats:

Saturated fats come from animal sources such as butter, eggs, and meat.

Unsaturated fats come from plant sources such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, etc.

Trans fat comes from industrial processing of vegetable oils with hydrogen gas to make them solid at room temperature.

What Do Fats Do to Your Body?

Saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol levels in your bloodstream which can lead to heart disease or stroke if they are consumed in excess over time.

Unsaturated fats lower your LDL cholesterol levels but also raise your HDL cholesterol levels which benefits cardiovascular health by removing the bad cholesterol out of the bloodstream before it can cause damage.

Trans fats have been shown to increase levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, which can lead to heart disease. Some scientists believe that trans fats are much worse than saturated fats.

Get Rid of Trans Fats From Your Diet:

When you think about getting rid of trans fats in your diet, you might think that it’s too difficult. Once you know what to avoid, you can make it fun and learn to cook some healthy meals.

How Can You Avoid Trans Fats?

They are found in all types of processed foods, which is where most people get them. Trans fats can be found in anything from breakfast cereal to chips to French fries.

Items that contain trans fats will include words like “partially hydrogenated oils” or “hydrogenated oils” on the ingredients list.

Steps To Get Rid Of Trans Fats From Your Diet:

First — find out what foods have trans fats and identify which ones you eat the most often.

Next — make a list of these foods and their substitutes.

Finally — cut out the food with trans fats from your diet and replace it with its substitute for at least two weeks to see if you feel better or notice any changes in your weight or health.

Final Thoughts: Eating Healthy Omega-3s:

How To Include Them In Your Diet

Omega 3s are important for numerous processes in the body. They can be found in foods such as fish, eggs, and legumes. Omega-3s are an essential part of a healthy diet because they play a key role in mental and physical health.

The Benefits of Eating Healthy Omega-3s Include:

lower inflammation,

better brain function,

reduced risk of heart disease.

The recommended intake for omega-3 is 1200 mg per day or 3 grams per day which can be obtained through food or supplements.



Isabel Young
In Fitness And In Health

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.