
5 Things You Likely Won’t See at the Renaissance Festival

Anachronistic Escapism

Suzy Jacobson Cherry
The Penny Pub
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2023


The author at Arizona Renaissance Festival — photo by the author

Renaissance Festivals are outdoor gatherings that provide entertainment, food, drink, and fun for visitors. The faires usually take place in imaginary Renaissance or Medieval villages, most often intended to be set in England, though there are some that are set in different eras and locations. There are many such events around the world.

Wherever there’s a Renaissance Festival, there’s usually a lot of fun and fantasy. At most faires, there’s also a good bit of learning about the historic period in which it is intended to be set. Along with mermaids, faeries, and other fantasy creatures, one might see exhibits of wool carding, fabric dyeing, old-fashioned cooking, and the like.

My home festival — and the only one I’ve had the pleasure of attending for the last 25+ years until I started working there last year — is the Arizona Renaissance Festival. When I first started taking my children, it was much smaller, and there was much more in the way of historical accuracy than there is now. Nevertheless, there is always good food and good fun.

However, as historically accurate as some faires might or might not be, there are a few things you’re unlikely to see when visiting the Renaissance Festival.



Suzy Jacobson Cherry
The Penny Pub

Writer. Educator. Priestess. Not bound by genre. Founder & Editor of Brigid's Arrow and Petits Fours; Editor of Bouncin & Behavin Poems