A Peek Into My Yearbook
How my friends and colleagues describe me
Thank you for the wonderful prompt. It led me to a road of introspection and self-appraisal. Normally, I have never felt burdened by others’ opinions, but as they say, perception is reality. The prompt allowed me to view myself through others’ lenses and provided me with insights into how they view me.
I took some liberty to deviate from the prompt. Instead of focusing on three words, I chose to focus on three passages from my yearbook. I spent a year with some of the best people I have known. The good and the challenging times that we spent together allowed each one of us to forge relationships and bonds and know one another inside out. I chose three passages that resonated with the majority of the entries in my yearbook.
Passage 1: Inquisitive
So good to spend an amazing year with you, and I really appreciated your thoughtful questions and you sharing your perspectives.
I was not surprised to read this passage, for I have always been a curious cat. I am a firm believer in asking tough questions and sharing my perspectives openly. The path to an alternate perspective always starts with asking the right questions. Devising multiple alternate solutions to wicked problems requires deep understanding which can only be attained through asking questions. Sharing your perspective honestly and openly — even when you are not comfortable — promotes inclusivity and pluralism.
Passage 2: Firmly rooted
I am proud to be your friend. You are an eagle, and “eagles show their claws even when they die.” Some random Viking.
I was pleased to read this entry in my yearbook. I have always strived to stay true to my values and not compromise on my principles, even in the face of daunting circumstances. I believe that staying true to your colors will make you stand tall.
Even if you fall, you will fall with grace. Circumstances should not make you back down. I have seen people balk under pressure and opt for the easy way out by giving in to circumstances. Even if it looked like a master stroke — in the long run, I have witnessed people regret doing so.
Passage 3: Ambitious
I am sure I will hear about you in the future. You are smart and ambitious and most probably you will get at the helm of your organization.
I am fiercely competitive! My ambitions are an open secret that all my friends and social circle are familiar with. My ambitions keep me going — striving harder than ever to achieve what is important to me.
The yearbook entries were not anonymous, and my colleagues were probably too polite to point out any flaws. I believe that I have many shortcomings but I will reflect on them on another day!