From Reader to Creator: Unleashing the Power of Words

The Magic and Challenges of Putting Pen to Paper

The Penny Pub


A neon sign in a window saying, ‘What is your story?’
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

To me, writing is much more than just a hobby or a pastime. I feel it’s my way of finding out who I am, diving into my thoughts and feelings, as well as welcoming me home to the world. So why do I write? Let’s take a closer look at that.

My love for writing started in my early years. I was voracious with literature, consuming books like fine meals on a daily basis. The stories led me to different places, introduced me to interesting people and fueled my imagination. Words had power in them; they could raise feelings, make images clear and tell good narratives. As an attempt to imitate what some of my best authors did, come up with stories of their own, and bring characters and worlds that existed in my head into words, I began writing.

I have always found writing to be a creative outlet. It’s a way for me to put my thoughts, emotions and ideas into a concrete form. It is a kind of art where words are the painting, and the page acts as a medium for displaying my work.

Fiction, nonfiction or poetry, no matter what genre it might be, has its own unique challenges and rewards. In writing fiction, I get to create characters, plot stories, draw worlds. Writing nonfiction helps me explore real-world problems, share knowledge and contribute to important debates. Poetry allows me to manipulate language, think in terms of rhythm and rhyme and express emotions with an intensity that sometimes stuns even myself.

Writing is an invaluable tool for learning while studying at university. It allows me to put my thoughts in order, comprehend intricate ideas and present them in a clear manner that can easily be understood by others. My skills of writing essays as well as research papers enhanced my understanding of the significance of coherence besides critical thinking. Besides this fact, it also made conducting research, enhancing information analyzing skills as well as being exposed to diverse academic fields easier.

I love the storytelling part of writing. There is some magic inherent in creating plots and characters as well as building worlds with it. It feels like being a God, controlling each aspect of the story. But it is also a way to explore human nature, delve into the intricacies of relationships, and grapple with universal themes such as love, loss, fear, hope, etc.

One thing that makes writing worthwhile is its impact on readers. Writing can make people’s lives better by providing information and insight or by being entertaining. It is another way of reaching out to others through shared experiences for mutual understanding, among many other things. If only my words could help at least one person differently, then I would be fulfilled.

I am a neurodivergent individual, and this plays a significant role in my writing since it influences how I perceive the world, process information, and express myself. It can be challenging in terms of focus and organization, but it also has its advantages. It stimulates creativity, improves my ability to think outside the box, and diversifies my perspective. In other words, that is who I am as well as who I am when it comes to writing.

The first piece of advice for aspiring writers is that one ought to write for yourself first. Write because you adore it; write because you have something to say; write because it makes you happy. As for what others think, there’s no need to worry about such things at all. Even if critics or rejections scare your heart off, they should still not bother you much since they are not worth worrying over! What is happening here? Do we need some explanations of any kind? Don’t overthink, just go with the flow.

Writing is a journey into discovering ourselves as well as an act of showing our love towards it. Writing helps us understand the world around us while expressing our thoughts and feelings and connecting with other people too.

This is passion; this is calling; this is grace (and why I write!).



The Penny Pub

Knowing what it feels like to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.