I Fall in Love With My Cat Every Time I See Him

It’s love at every sight

Christine Schoenwald
The Penny Pub


A large grey and white cat lays on a red chair.
Uri is on the red paisley chair. Photo by author.

We were told to go to the Jack in the Box, off Kanan Road in Agora Hills, look for a light green Suburu wagon, and follow it into the hills. We had to trust that the driver would take us to the right place and weren’t being taken on a ride to our doom.

Masks were required.

If it hadn’t been 1:00 p.m. on the Fourth of July during the Pandemic, it would have felt as if we were spies on a covert operation. But we weren’t picking up a package, but meeting a V.I.K. — a very important kitten, one we hoped would join our family.

Yoshi, my soulcat, had died two years previously and left a huge hole in our hearts. Carlos, a feral cat rescue, had helped us to heal, but our feline family still felt incomplete.

After Yoshi passed, I’d gotten it into my head that he was a Maine Coon mix, and I needed another fluffy grey and white cat, preferably a Maine Coon, in my life.

I trolled Pet Finders as if it was a dating app, looking for compatible cats — someone I could love with all my heart, and then I saw a picture of River.

River was a tiny kitten with grey fur so light it looked blue. The photo showed him in a tiny carpet-covered cubicle. He had beaker-shaped white fur that was thin…



Christine Schoenwald
The Penny Pub

Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango Christineschoenwaldwriter.com