My Soundtrack to Connection and Self-Discovery

Embracing the Diverse Symphony of Life

The Penny Pub


Photo by Namroud Gorguis on Unsplash

Music is everywhere; it goes beyond country borders, and it exists in our lives, with every note telling a different story. Music, for me, is not just an art; it’s a friend, it’s a companion that is able to show the feelings of humans.

This has always been fascinating to me because I myself have wide-ranging tastes in music across genres, but there’s something about indie folk that speaks to my very soul. The honest authenticity and poetic wordplay of artists such as Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes resonate with me like a conversation I would have with a trusted friend. The soft acoustic strings blend harmoniously with deep emotional singing, creating a soundscape that takes me out of myself and into contemplation, where I can feel and reach emotions on another level.

One instance that makes me cringe with embarrassment even today dates back to my days in high school. As an aspiring musician, I willingly joined the school band and saw myself as a future genius. But what turned out was quite different. During one of the most significant band practices, my eagerness went overboard, resulting in a comical performance that was played off-key from beginning to end, leaving my fellow band members baffled. Although it served as a lesson in humility, this incident taught me that enthusiasm and talent should be balanced.

On the other hand, country music has always been difficult for me to appreciate. I could never connect with the twangy guitars and stories about pickup trucks and honky-tonk bars. However, I understand that musical preferences are subjective, and something that might not resonate with me could be another person’s anthem. This is why we have diverse tastes in music; this is why our world is so rich and full of life.

One of the most unforgettable live performances of a concert I had ever attended was by my favorite indie folk band. The small venue was dimly lit and seemed to hold its breath in anticipation for the music to begin. As the sounds enveloped me in their melodies, I experienced a feeling of belonging and shared happiness with others like me. It is still vivid in my mind this night that demonstrated how much transformative influence live music has.

Love often gets a voice through music with all its distinctiveness and subtleties. One love song particularly captures the essence of my relationship with my ex-boyfriend. Every word there reflects our journey, while melody always stands as a background for our common memories. Whenever I hear it, it carries me back to those special moments; nothing else can ruin such emotional association; only words fail.

As a neurodiverse person, I found comfort and support in the melodies of the music. This is because it serves as a therapeutic instrument that helps me to go through overwhelming anxiety. The beats and tuneful structures give an impression of organization and solace, which makes it like an oasis where everything else seems chaotic.

In life’s symphony, music has multiple roles in shaping our experiences, influencing our feelings, and connecting us with each other. Music is an everlasting companion on the self-discovery journey that we share with humanity, whether this be a melody that raises our spirits or lyrics that speak to souls, or a beat that moves bodies. Hence, let your life’s soundtrack reflect the beautiful, multicolored mosaic of harmonious symphony that defines you as a unique individual.



The Penny Pub

Knowing what it feels like to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.