Spring Weather and Beethoven: An Interesting Mashup

Music enlightens me, and I will never give up listening

Lee J. Bentch
The Penny Pub
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2024


A picture of a music composition.
Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash

As we face the dying days of winter and watch spring wake up, I’m reminded of only one thing:

Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in D Minor

With cold and warm air battling it out for dominant control, I am in awe of the turbulence created and how destructive the weather can be.

When day turns to night, with clouds creating masterful sky sculptures spewing lightning, booming with thunder, spitting hail, torrential rains, and creating rampaging tornados, I immediately think of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.

I jokingly refer to my thoughts as Severe Weather Beethoven Syndrome. I’m not sure anyone else in the world has it.

I tried explaining it to a therapist, and she just stared at me. I could see her confusion before I realized nothing had prepared her for my conversation.

Her reaction amused me until I explained what I had experienced in better detail. When she asked how I felt lately, my response was:

When it storms, I hear Beethoven’s 9th in my mind. Is that normal?



Lee J. Bentch
The Penny Pub

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: