The Three Words I Try to Embody

And want my children to remember as life lessons

Sandy Maximus
The Penny Pub
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2024


A sign that says “be kind”
Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash

If you asked my friends to describe me I think one of the things they would allude to is my smartness or intelligence. Perhaps it stems from a stereotype of being Indian, but I think it’s mostly their perception and partly the way I conduct myself.

There is something to be said about the words that we use that are a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs, and value system that is then expressed in our actions not only towards others but also to ourselves.

Be Kind

Be Thoughtful

Be Helpful

I didn’t know the word “empath” existed until recently. Although I wouldn’t categorize myself as an empath, I do have a high level of empathy towards others since I was a child.

I am attuned to the emotions and energies of others which is what drew me to my work with children with disabilities.

Like the Ten Commandments, I have these three commandments that I’ve tried to embody in my life and have shared with my children: lead by example — by being kind, helpful, and thoughtful.



Sandy Maximus
The Penny Pub

An academic, a mother, and a wanna-be writer in (pre) cancer treatment with interests from travel to tennis, personal stories, and life lessons.