I’m addicted to my phone

Get over it

Tim Nostrand
In Formation Holdings
1 min readApr 5, 2018


Let’s move past the phase where we guilt people for being on their phone, shall we? We’re all addicted. And for those of you who aren’t, don’t shove it in our face.

These devices were made for us to fall in love with them.

The apps on them are designed to hack our brains and keep us coming back for more.

Is it harder to focus than it used to be?

Are people connecting less than they used to?

I don’t have the answers to these questions, because I’m not one million years old. I haven’t seen how human beings have interacted throughout the course of time. Nobody has.

Thus, nobody has the authority to lecture others.

There are scientists out there who are studying this. I’ll let them talk to me.

For now, why don’t you take your hack, eye-rolling “social commentary” elsewhere.

I’ll tell you who sucks at conversation: people who tell you how to behave

