The Future Is Dead

Long Live The Future

Tim Nostrand
In Formation Holdings
2 min readApr 4, 2018


I’m sick of hearing about futurism. What’s coming next. What our children are going through.

Because the future is happening. Virtual currency. Virtual Reality for everyone. Climate Change. Bee Robots on Mars.

These are things that to this day people seem to toss around as if they’re coming soon. But no people, we’re living it.

I’m not the type of person that likes to linger in existential dread. I think the future is so bright it’ll blind me. Which is why I’d like to offer you some advice;

Tim’s Rules for Living The Future Now

  1. If you think it’s coming, it’s here.
  2. So rather than talking about “What if…” and “What when…” think “What now?”
  3. Instead of talking, start doing
  4. Before you educate, dogfood yourself
  5. When spreading your message, think of the long game

Now I shall demonstrate what I mean via my favorite example.

Climate Change

First: Last year I accepted the fact that climate change is here. Not coming. It’s now. What’s done cannot be undone.

Now, instead of thinking “What if Climate Change is real” or “What shall I do when Climate Change becomes a problem,” I thought “What now.” Well, I threw out my plans to buy property on the coast. SF’s f*cked, people. As is NYC. And LA. In fact, all the hot trendy areas that I want to live… nah, they’re not going to be all that great in about 30 years. At the exact time when I’d want to enjoy the property I purchased. I tossed out all my appliances, got new energy-efficient ones. Replaced my windows. Started biking and using mass transit. Stopped eating beef, started supporting local agriculture.

Furthermore in the “stop thinking, start doing” realm, I began to look North. I invested in land south of Plattsburgh New York, because that land is cheap, and will be really nice and fertile.

Before telling all my friends about the dangers of climate change and all the things we should be doing to curb it / mitigate our own personal risk I did extensive research to find out how to do it best on my own. Then I did it.

Thinking of the long game… I think my ideal outcome from a conversation with somebody about Climate Change. I’m not looking to argue. I’m looking to affect change. I’m not an activist. I’m an entrepreneur with some sense. So I don’t go too aggressive.

That’s it.

Nothing crazy. Apply this line of thinking to any “trend” you see. Just get out there and do it. And stop talking about it. Just. Do. It.

As always, I’d like to hear from you. Leave a comment!

