The Power of Now -Eckhart Tolle

Releasing blockages to healing with EFT Tapping.

Happiness Stan
In Happistan
5 min readMay 21, 2014


Today we are going to be helping ourselves and our understanding of the book, The Power of Now — Eckhart Tolle by using EFT or tapping as it is commonly known.

This is the EFT or Tapping script that I used for the video at

Today we are going to be looking at how we can help ourselves to really understand and push home the teachings of Eckhart Tolle from his book, “The Power of Now” with EFT or tapping.

This will help us to really FEEL the fullest benefit of his teachings in this life changing, wonderful book.

- EFT or tapping as it is sometimes known, works by releasing blockages within the body’s energy system. These blockages in our energy system often lead to limiting beliefs and behaviours and we find it hard or impossible to live life harmoniously.

But with a little work we can use EFT to release these blockages simply and effectively. Releasing our negative emotions. Specifically to the teachings found in ‘The Power of Now’ we can break down our resistance to change and to our much needed healing as we KNOW we must embrace the present moment … for it is our very lives we are fighting for.

This is very exciting, so without further ado … let’s help ourselves today to heal. Right here, right NOW.

The basic premise of Eckart Tolle’s book The Power of Now is that everything we imagine ourselves to be suffering will be healed if we learn to live in the present moment and to forgive and forget the past and to stop worrying about the future. So let’s see how we can help our understanding of this principle.

All you have to do is repeat after me and tap where I tap … it’s no big deal, it really is quite simple, but the effects can be quite extraordinary.

Start by tapping the ‘karate chop’ point as it is called.

Even though I identified with the past and that the past is actually only a memory stored in my mind and does not actually exist at all … I deeply and completely love and approve myself.

Even though I identified with the past and that the past is actually only a memory stored in my mind and does not actually exist at all … I choose to live in the present moment NOW.

Even though I miss the present moment so often as I worry about the past and future that do not exist outside my own mind, I forgive myself and accept myself fully.

I identified with a past that no longer exists.

The past is only a memory stored in my mind.

The past does not exist.

The past is over.

I am free of the past though I find it hard to let go.

I cannot live in the past. I have no time machine.

I am able to live only in the NOW.

I KNOW the past is a memory.

Take a deep breath … and we move on … healing ourselves further.

Even though I have identified with what I think of as ‘the future’, which is in fact nothing but a forecast, a projection and imaginations of my mind, I choose to live in the present moment NOW.

Even though I have identified with what I think of as ‘the future’, which is in fact nothing but a projection and imaginings of my mind, I completely and deeply love and accept myself as I am.

Even though I miss the present moment so often as I worry about the past and future that do not exist outside my own mind, I forgive myself and accept myself fully.

I identified with a future that is only in my imagination.

The future only exists in my imagination.

The future is not real.

I am free of the future.

I cannot live in the future, only NOW.

I live in the NOW.

I accept my reality as it is right now.

I love my reality. I have a beautiful life right here right now.

Even though I have wasted the present moment by identifying with the past … I deeply and completely love, approve and forgive myself.

Even though I have wasted the present moment by identifying with the past … I choose to live in the present moment NOW.

Even though I miss the present moment so often as I worry about the past and future that do not exist outside of my own mind, I forgive myself and accept myself fully.

I identified with a past that does not exist outside of my own mind.

I identified with an error.

I forgive myself for identifying with an an error.

I forgive all my errors.

I exist solely in the NOW. There is not other reality.

I live only in the NOW.

I am free of the past and I embrace the present moment.

I now see this reality clearly.

Even though I have wasted the present moment by identifying with the future … I deeply and completely love and approve and forgive myself.

Even though I have wasted the present moment by identifying with the future … I choose to live in the present moment NOW.

Even though I miss the present moment so often as I worry about the past and future that do not exist outside of my own mind, I forgive myself and accept myself fully.

I identified with a future that does not exist.

I identified with an error.

I forgive myself for believing in an error.

I forgive all my errors.

The present moment is all there is. There is no other reality.

Now is my only reality. It is impossible to live outside the present moment.

Reality is THIS present moment.

I now see this reality clearly.

Even though I forgot that the present moment is all there is … I choose to live in the present moment NOW.

Even though I find it hard to believe that the present moment is all there is … I deeply and completely love, approve and forgive myself.

Even though I miss the present moment so often as I worry about the past and future that do not exist outside my own mind, I forgive myself and accept myself fully.

I find it hard to believe that the present moment is all there is.

But NOTHING has ever existed outside of the NOW.

Nothing COULD ever exist outside the NOW.

Everything I ever did was in the NOW.

I have only ever existed in the NOW.

I now choose to see this clearly.

I am thankful for this wonderful, God given, holy, eternal, energy giving, healing and most beautiful present moment … right here, right NOW.

The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle.

Happiness Stan is the EFT or tapping coach for The How To Be Happy Course a 5 day residential retreat in Umbria, Italy.

