a Kingdom awaits

Basel Abu Alrub
In June
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2020
Photo by Filipe de Rodrigues on Unsplash

if I could go to a place,
a place
where I am truly happy with you
would I just fall
just to look at you

if I could be in a place,
where everything’s alright with you
would everything be alright with you?
if could be myself, in that space
that space,
that place

if I could be myself,
there would be,
no mistakes
no mistakes

to think,
that I could be the one
to let you be yourself
so I could be
myself, as well
Oh… just let me be myself!

if I could be in a place,
a place
where you could shine on me
so I could do the same
oh, the same

and then you’d tell me that
its alright to be, who I am
“a Kingdom awaits”
“a Kingdom awaits”…

and then I would do
whatever it takes
whatever it takes
to let you shine…
on me
on me

