How Energy Healing Saved My Soul

Caline Malek
In June
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2020
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Energy healing. Two words that not many people are able to wrap their heads around yet two words that have drastically changed my life.

Being a journalist, I am probably one of the most sceptical people out there. Along with my sister, who’s a lawyer herself, our “bs” filter is quite high.

So when we were first introduced to energy healing by my aunt, who had witnessed a life-changing story thanks to the practice, we were hesitant but intrigued.

My sister went first and after her first session with our healer, she gave me a call. “It’s incredible,” she said. “I can’t explain it, but you should try it.”

Like many people, we have had our fair share of tragic experiences in this life (and in many others, as well). So having the opportunity to explain the who, where, when, what of our lives sparked my curiosity.

I had my first session of energy healing exactly four years ago, when my ex-fiancé and I broke up, and four years after my mother had passed away. Needless to say, I was an emotional mess who buried her feelings so deep, she was able to consciously forget about them. But the subconscious is where all truth remains.

Energy healing can sound daunting and scary at first — this mystic world that I never gave any credit to, secretly freaked me out a bit. And I had no idea what it entailed, given my Christian background and being taught from a young age to put all my faith in my religion and things will magically work out. But what I realised later on, is that I was also taught to fear God and that, if I was a bad girl, God would punish me.

I know, today, that this cannot be any farther from the truth — there is only good and bad, universal laws, and karma, which takes care of it all. And the bad is not there to punish you, rather to teach you something about yourself. The bad is also not necessarily ‘bad’, if you learn to embrace it and work with it on an energetic level.

Back to my session. My first hour of energy healing was interesting — I tried to completely let go (as difficult as it was for my controlling self) and started feeling different things. A bit of a heartburn. A bit lightheaded. Many, many, many yawns. And that was it.

“Don’t be scared, but there was black magic on your aura, which was blocking a lot of things in your life,” my healer said. ‘What on earth is that?’ I had asked myself, as my mind started thinking about witches and spells.

Energy is a difficult thing to explain. You can’t see it but when you practice enough and get more in tune with it, you can feel it almost everywhere, all the time.

Most of the time, we attract what happens to us as a sign from the Universe telling us to wake up, learn a valuable lesson about ourselves, and shift. The more we are able to discern those signs, the more we wake up to new realities about ourselves, and the more we let go of beliefs and shift our thinking, further cleansing our aura.

However this black magic had landed on me, it was immediately removed by my healer and our session was done. During a session, yawning is a great sign because it means negative entities or energetic parasites are leaving your aura. The most important thing to remember is that it happens, and it’s ok. You can attract such energies from your own thoughts, from people around you who might not necessarily wish you well (both consciously or unconsciously), or from people who want what you have (also both consciously or unconsciously). What’s also important is to not focus too much on where it came from, but more on the reason why it did in the first place and how to deal with it going forward.

“You may evacuate for up to 21 days,” my healer had told me before we ended our call (yes, energy transcends technology). Evacuating is your body’s way to getting rid of any energies that no longer serve you.

Not understanding much of it back then, I nodded and went to bed. In the following week, I was sleeping an average of 14 hours a night, and sometimes adding afternoon naps in the day. I couldn’t understand how and why I was so tired. “It’s part of the evacuation,” my healer had told me when I frantically messaged her. “Just let it be and it will soon pass.”

So I did. I slept, and slept, and slept, until one day, I woke up feeling like a massive load had come off my chest. I felt like I had been reborn, like a new person had come alive.

“This is amazing,” I thought. “I am happy.”

And so my journey with energy healing began and continues to this day. I went from doing one hour-sessions a month, to two a month, to two hour-sessions weekly today. And I have never felt any closer to my true self.

Many people might say it’s a bit extreme, but what is important to note is that my sessions have evolved in an incredible manner. I went from being a client who was clueless about what my soul had experienced and lived through, to being so much more in tune with myself that, many times, I am able to decipher, on my own, when a wound comes up and what it could potentially mean. I have also learnt to self-heal, to a certain degree, and that is my most precious internal power. I have become incredibly sensitive to other people’s energies, allowing me to decipher when to remove myself from a situation and protect my energy, and when someone is indirectly asking for guidance and help.

Energy teaches you that nothing is a coincidence in your life — not the people you attract nor the emotions you heal. As scary as it may sound at first, there is nothing more beautiful and empowering than diving into the depths of your soul to find out where it’s been, what it’s endured and what it is asking of you in the present moment.

It is obviously your choice if you decide to listen to your soul or not. But the more you do, the easier and lighter your life becomes, and the happier you become as a person. What is important to note is that this is a journey, with no particular destination. So expressing gratitude at every milestone is also a part of that process. The aim is not necessarily to become a Buddha, but to make your life easier, to experience true happiness, to live a life that is true to yourself and to, eventually, help others in their own journey.

It is by no means a race. The Universe will send you different messages and you will be ready to tackle them when It deems your soul is ready to undertake that particular mission.

What is also crucial is to learn how to protect your aura through different prayers, grounding practices and meditation on a daily basis. Protecting your aura does not stem from fear of others, rather from making that journey an easier one on yourself and being able to naturally fend off any negative energies that may come your way. It is called your energetic shield, and the stronger you make it, the less likely you are to experience massive lows when they arise.

I have shared this practice with many of my friends ever since, and the one thing I always mention is: try it. And if you don’t like it, then don’t do it. Because faith is a vital element in this process as well. It’s like starting up your own company — if you don’t believe in it, it won’t succeed. You have to surrender to it and put all your faith in it to allow it to truly help you in the long run. It does not mean you have to turn your back on your religion either — many of my friends take the good from their religion and combine it with energy healing. As long as fear remains out of the equation, you’re on the right track.

And I have heard incredible feedback from those who have tried it since (other than those who were too fearful to continue or too religious to believe in it) and I have witnessed their own life change in the most beautiful manner.

So if there is one thing I wish upon all of humanity, is to go through energy healing or any kind of process similar enough to it that will help them work on themselves. That is probably the only way our race, as a whole, will heal and help elevate the collective consciousness on a global level.



Caline Malek
In June
Editor for

Journalist by profession. Frenchie at heart. Love for all things of the spirit. Views are my own.