A Captivating Tour of Wieliczka Salt Mine

From ancient legends to salt-sculpted wonders

Mystical Aries
In Living Color


St. Kinga’s Chapel, Wieliczka Salt Mine — Photo credits: Author

In July 2022, Sangam and I visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine. The mine is located near Kraków in southern Poland. It’s an amazing and beautiful place with a rich history and culture.

The mine is not far from Kraków, just about 13 kilometers to the southeast. It sits in a small grassy valley in Wieliczka. Wieliczka is a town known for its salt mining heritage. The mine goes deep into the earth, more than 300 meters, following the veins of salt rock.

To enter the mine, we descended through a dark and cool shaft that was over 100 meters deep. We had to take nearly 400 steps to reach the first level of the mines, where the guided tour began.

Photo credits: Author

The passages looked like a hidden maze deep underground inside the Wieliczka Salt Mine. As we walked through them, we felt like we were on an exciting journey into the heart of the earth. The passages were carved out of the salt rock. Some of them were impressively large with high ceilings, while others were more narrow and winding.



Mystical Aries
In Living Color

Writer > Traveler > Photographer > Nature lover > Food Lover > Adventure Enthusiast > Software Developer