Writing & Photography

A September Writing Challenge on In Living Color: Seasons

Autumn leaves, winter snow, summer barbeques, spring flowers… the joy and pain in between…we want it all

JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color
Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2024


Still one of my favorite photos ever taken at the Cherry Springs area near Pocatello, Idaho, early Fall 2009— All photos by JoAnn Ryan

Walking a pathway during a transition between summer and fall can be an ethereal experience. Even though you can physically see it with your eyes or feel the crisp bite of the air on your cheeks, there’s something that goes beyond the physical into the less tangible realm of the spiritual.

Autumn up north can be spellbinding with the hue of leaves turning various colors of yellow, gold, orange and red. It may start gradually at first, with a few turning a bit yellowish and trickling to the ground, followed by a whole lot more, like in the photo above. By October, the transformation may be in full splendor, like the ones below, which will soon give way to the chilled damp of impending winter.

After spending a decade living in the tropics and subtropics of Florida and the Caribbean, seeing fall in the state of Idaho for the first time in all those years was simply mesmerizing. I couldn’t stop staring at the beauty, drinking in the soul-rejuvenating scenery and snapping photos.



JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and Kaleidosphere.