Another Name for Water is Life

July Monthly Challenge: Water

Sujit Chakraborty
In Living Color
3 min read4 days ago


Raindrops on windshield
Photo by the author

In India, July is synonymous with rain as the country receives the maximum rainfall of the year during this month. For as long as I have been living in Mumbai, which witnesses heavy rain during July, we enjoy (sometimes suffer) plenty of dripping, flowing, and washing water. Thus it is needless to say that I capture many photos of water, but choosing a few out of them may be a challenging task.

Rain soaked city road
Photo by the author

When the entire city remains rain-soaked, trees and plants seen happy to dance with the river, citizens are assured that water reservoirs will be filled shortly and their required water will be available in next year to come. It is not very difficult for us to understand why it is said ‘another name for water is life’.

Water percolating through valley gutter on a rainy day.
Photo by the author.

This is the time for water harvesting though common people did not adopt that practice until date as we depend only on water collected in some natural lakes that are subsequently supplied by Municipal authorities.

Flowing water in a spring/river with dam.
Photo by the author

Water also attracts people to gather around and enjoy.

Flowing springs attract people to take a bath and enjoy.
Photo by the author

It is a fun time for some people who gather and take a bath in flowing water.

Rain drops on green leaves.
Photo by the author

Seeing raindrops on green leaves is wonderful. It is a cool and soothing sight for us.

Water in lake.
Photo by the author

Wind blowing through water gives rise to mild waves on the top level of lakes, It is a natural beauty that you cannot ignore.

Mystics environment created by water both in liquid & vapor form.
Photo by the author.

In short, I can say during this month nature becomes so beautiful that you may like to read and write poetry, go painting, or sing romantic songs. But the reality calls us to go out to our workplaces which may become troublesome during this time of the year. Excessive rainfall may sometimes be a cause for a flood-like situation when roads and rail lines may be waterlogged. Excess of anything is bad but since rain is required to fill the food baskets of the country it should always be greeted with a welcome note.

