Colors and colors

Nature photography

Sujit Chakraborty
In Living Color
3 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by the author

“Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower
— — John Harrigan

Since beginning, people have discovered a close connection of their life with nature. They also knew, flowers are the best gift that nature has offered to us, which symbolizes the happiness of the creator.

Photo by the author

“Love is like wildflowers; it is often found in most unlikely places.”
— — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

We can also relate love with flowers spontaneously, though not all flowers are red roses. On the other hand, there are wildflowers which are never being used by aristocratic people in love. Sometimes we find that what we believed as love was only our imagination, and true love seems to have existed in a place we failed to notice due to its ‘low-profile’ type of social status.

Photo by the author

“Life is like a flower, it grows
into something beautiful.”
— — Donnajo Calhoun.

Beauty of flowers mainly depend on their colors and shades. Similarly, we describe our life as a colorless one if it is dull. Whenever we pray for our life to grow beautiful, we imagine flowers mostly. Not only that, but flowers are also referred in comparison while talking about beautiful minds, smiles and cute babies!

Photo by the author

“Every flower blooms in its own time.”
— — Ken Petti

There is nothing to hurry! But sometimes we don’t want to wait. We prefer to run after success or a short-term gain! Everyone has its own timeline. Nothing can stop you from reaching there when the perfect time arrives. Similarly nothing can be achieved before its time. Some flowers are season; they need a perfect climatic condition. Likewise, every flower has a perfect day to blossom, and nature knows it very well.

Photo by the author

“A flower does not think
of competing with the flower
next to it. It just blooms.”
— — Zen Shin

Nature abhors competition. A flower never bothers about its shape, size or glamor. Wildflowers neither want to bloom as a rose, nor feels dejected because roses are more dignified and has a higher social status than they have in general. Moreover, we must remember that variety is the spice of life!

Sometimes we get involved with competition with others. Results are not unknown. Unfortunately, we don’t want to learn from nature, we want to dominate others! We forget that competition is the opposite word for cooperation.

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