Eyeing Eagles, Exploring Europe, and Examining Encyclopedias

Escaping through the E’s in the A-Z challenge.

Vanessa Brown
In Living Color


Amsterdam 2022. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

After my tales of travels through the USA, Canada, and Thailand, it’s time to take a jaunt through Europe.

Eyeing Eagles

In my post on traveling through Bavaria I mentioned an American Eagle that I felt a certain kinship with as I prepared for an incredible falconry show in the Rosenburg Castle sitting high above the Altmühltal.

The eagle that captured my attention. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

There was something about this chap (or chapette, I’m not sure) that kept me fixated. I couldn’t wait to see it perform in the show and Lord did it do a fabulous job!

Exploring Europe

As much as I’d love to insert a bunch of pictures here from my backpacking trip around Europe when I was twenty, alas, they are all in boxes on the other side of the world. As I haven’t scanned any of them into digital format, my trip last year to the Netherlands and Germany will have to do.

The Amsterdam canals on the left and Albrecht Dürer’s House in Nuremberg on the right. Photos by Vanessa Brown.

Despite spending a day in Nuremberg and Munich, it was my personal tour around Regensburg in Eastern Bavaria that I enjoyed the most.

View of Regensburg from Steinerne Brücke or Stone bridge. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

Having a local with a passion for her city and area taking me to places I never would have seen made my days as a tourist heaps better.

I explored Amsterdam alone for a few days. Although I stayed on the outskirts of the city for a full week, I headed into the city only twice as duty called and I needed to be behind my computer screen making money for my outings and transport costs.

An Amsterdam street. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

On one of my tourist days, I headed an hour north of the city to Zaanse Schans.

It is best known for its collection of windmills and wooden houses that were relocated here from the wider region north of Amsterdam for preservation. From 1961 to 1974, old buildings from all over the region known as the Zaanstreek were relocated using lowboy trailers to the Zaanse Schans. — Wikipedia.

The quaint houses of Zaanse Schans. Photos by Vanessa Brown.

Examining Encyclopedias

I do have to end this E extravaganza by returning to my childhood for a moment. Considering that I’m from European heritage, I figured that my indulgence in childhood nostalgia would be excused.

My family’s full encyclopedia. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

Think of this as a quick shout out to most of our “Googles” before Google.

It was bought volume by volume, a new one each month until we had the full alphabet. This is how we wrote our assignments for school. We grabbed the volume that held the knowledge we needed to get our essays done, and we read (and copied) the text from one place to another.

Considering that many kids in the same class referenced the same material, I’m very thankful that plagiarism websites were not even a thought in the mind of the collective consciousness during the 80s!

I really enjoyed Allisonn Church’s divine wander through the Es. Definitely worth a look-see.



Vanessa Brown
In Living Color

Author, content creator, teacher, and recovering digital nomad. I have lived in six countries, five of them with a cat: thewelltravelledcat.com.