February Monthly Challenge -Food

Home-cooked, on-the-go, pre-packaged, restaurant cuisines, it doesn’t matter, we want them all!

In Living Color


I indulge in Pizza Nights with my kids- Author’s Photo

Food doesn’t just provide us with sustenance. It provides us with emotional support, it shapes our memories, and it has a powerful ability to connect us.

Food acts as a conduit for cultural exchange and personal stories, and with the rise of technology and social media, our love affair with snapping pictures of our meals has become a cultural phenomenon surpassing geographical boundaries and uniting us through shared experiences. From meticulously arranged plates in high-end restaurants to homemade comfort food, these snapshots capture a dish’s essence, mood, or moment and give us a glimpse into the person sharing it.

The love of food is a celebration of life itself.

My first time making a smoothie bowl. Author’s photo

Food has helped me get through a broken heart, it’s how I have helped to heal my loved ones, bond with my kids, and have the best conversations with friends while sitting down to eat.

This was way too spicy for me. Smoke almost came out of my ears but overall still a good dish.My friend loves Ramen so we try to find new spots to visit- Author’s photo

You don’t have to be a fancy cook or even be able to make noodles from scratch to join in on this month’s challenge. We simply want to hear your food adventures and stories.

Need some ideas to spark a story?

What’s your all-time favorite comfort food, and why does it hold a special place in your heart?

Do you have any food-related traditions or rituals that you observe regularly?

How has food played a role in your cultural or family traditions? Are there specific dishes that bring back fond memories?

Are there any unique or local foods from your region that you think everyone should try at least once?

Are there any particular foods or ingredients that you prioritize for their health benefits?

Do you have any go-to recipes that you would like to share?

It is optional if you’d like to tag 2 articles of fellow writers on Medium who write on food topics.

The main guidelines for submitting are:

  1. Theme Adherence: Submissions must align with the monthly challenge theme, which, in this case, revolves around food photography.
  2. Originality: Please submit original food-related photographs, avoiding the use of stock images or previously published content.
  3. Caption Creativity: Each submission should include a creative and engaging caption that provides context and or personal reflections related to the featured food.
  4. Article length: The maximum length for the article should not be over 10 minutes.
  5. Tag properly: Please add the tag “ monthly challenge”.

The challenge will run from February 1st until February 26th. We reserve the last days of the month to post the results from the challenge.

The In Living Color editorial team JoAnn Ryan Allisonn Church, Melissa Rach, and I would like to take a moment to express a big heartfelt gratitude to each contributor for your valuable contributions to our publication.

Your dedication and creativity have enriched our platform, making it a vibrant space for sharing stories and ideas.



In Living Color

Imagine if a care bear & the joker had a baby : You would get me. I’m a person not a niche. So if you like randomness and diverse stories follow me.