Writing — Photography, Travel & Mental Health

Feeling Freakish While Fantasizing About Florida

The A to Z challenge on In Living Color: Finding interesting new ways to enjoy photography

JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2023


Cold Idaho — Photo by JoAnn Ryan

The last couple of months have been freakishly difficult… some of the worst, and oddly enough, best days of my life.

I came close to dying and was saved by the kind people at Mount Hope hospital in Trinidad & Tobago.

I decided to leave my husband, and Trinidad, my new home, and return to the U.S. Surprisingly enough, it was my husband’s own family who ended up helping me to leave and for that I’m immensely grateful.

Staying in Florida for a few days was blissful, but then I flew into Utah and traveled on to Idaho.

Where is that nearest exit? — Photo by JoAnn Ryan

Catching up with family in the Salt Lake City area and then in Idaho has been bittersweet… so many wonderful memories… but also those that are quite painful — stuff I ran to the other side of the country to escape.

Demons are coming back to haunt me now and some days I feel the darkness creeping up on me. Worst…



JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and The Midnight Garden.