Nature therapy and photography

Looking at a Familiar Place From a New Angle

A fly fisher discovers the wonders of a river’s surface

Ryan Chin
Published in
7 min readJan 24, 2024


“The continuous creation and dissipation of shapes consume me. Noticing the depth of the bubbles, swirls, and dancing sunlight on the turbulence is like a long-time friend revealing something profound that was in front of me the whole time.” Photo by Ryan Chin

I open the truck’s windows and inhale the sound of a rapid. If the trickle of a spring creek is a solo acoustic at a coffee shop, the Lower Deschutes River in Oregon is a stadium concert. With her glassy glides and…



Ryan Chin
In Living Color

Author of The Big Head Diaries, stories of a lab from NZ, and Without Rain, a multimedia memoir.