Mended by Daybreak

A celebration of sunrises through the seasons

Ray Wirth
In Living Color


A summer sunrise over a misty green landscape.
Ray Wirth photo.

We’re fortunate to live in a place where we have an unobstructed view of the sunrise. We wake each morning to look out over a wild, undeveloped landscape that includes a pond, a marshland, and surrounding hills.

Living in a place for a number of years can de-sensitize you to its beauty. We‘re grateful that the opposite has been true. The longer we live here, the more details we notice, the more memories we have, and the more we have to look forward to. The longer we live here, the more the landscape itself sustains and heals us. Tomorrow, the sunrise will be different than it is today.

In the photo above, the lush greens of summer are brought to life by the morning sun. The humid air of summer allows shorter wavelength blue light to reach the earth. Here, the pure morning sunlight is for a few fleeting minutes diffused by mist. It seemed like only moments before the mist burned away.

An early autumn sunrise over a misty green and brown landscape.
Ray Wirth photo.

The cooler temperatures of early autumn have turned some of the greens to browns. The air from the surrounding hills cools the moist air over the pond and forms a mist that brilliantly reflects and diffuses the…



Ray Wirth
In Living Color

Find me at Lapsed English teacher. Guide at Water Walker Sea Kayak/Basin Pond Outdoors.