Michelangelo’s David

We finally see this masterpiece.

Gerad Carrier
In Living Color


Image by author.

After a number of trips to Italy and many museums, we finally reserved tickets for the Galleria Academia in Florence to view the art museum and in particular Michelangelo’s statue of David.

The following is quoted directly from the plaque on the wall behind the statue.

“Nor has there ever been seen a pose so fluent, or a gracefulness equal to this, or feet, hands, and head so well related to each other with quality, skill and design.”

With these words Giorgio Vasari attempts to define the reasons behind the marvel that the vision of David provokes in the observer. He continues by stating that the statue so far surpasses both in beauty and technique ancient and modern statuary that one needn’t bother seeing other works in sculpture.

At the end of 1501, Michelangelo obtained the permission of the Opera del Duomo to work on a block of marble which had been abandoned in the courtyard of the Cathedral of Florence for the creation of the figure of the young hero, subsequently placed in front of Palazzo Vecchio in Piazza Signora.

It has always been a subject of debate among scholars whether David is represented before or after his victory over Goliath. His sling is also barely visible as though to emphasize how David owed his victory…



Gerad Carrier
In Living Color

A retired international educator on a “leisurely” journey of learning. (Top writer in Travel)