Our Delightful Sojourn at Blausee Nature Park

Switzerland Diaries: Inspiring travel through photography

Mystical Aries
In Living Color


The most beautiful and scenic lake in the Switzerland
The most gorgeous and scenic lake in Switzerland — Photo credits: Author

The eyes of the beautiful maiden who died of a broken heart were deep blue. The Blue Lake is also deep blue, in eternal memory of the love of the maiden, which persists beyond death. The small Blausee, steeped in legend, is located amid a small nature park.

— Switzerland Tourism

In the summer of 2021, I visited Blausee Nature Park in Switzerland with my friends. Our visit was marred by the rainy season during that time. Nonetheless, we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Switzerland.

On a cloudy Sunday afternoon, we reached the nature park and purchased entrance tickets for 13.00 CHF (Swiss Franc). As we entered the park, we noticed its striking and magnificent surroundings. It was an enchanting area of gnarled trees and moss-covered rocks with the exceptional blue color of the lake.

The Lake Blausee, with the most beautiful shade of blue, is the world-famous lake for its crystal-clear waters.



Mystical Aries
In Living Color

Writer > Traveler > Photographer > Nature lover > Food Lover > Adventure Enthusiast > Software Developer