Perth’s Kings Park Bushland Flowers and Birds

Kangaroo Paws, Kookaburras and more

Rhonda Carrier
In Living Color


Red Kangaroo Paw flowers (photo by author)

We visited Kings Park overlooking the Swan River and the Perth central business center. It is a popular spot to visit in Western Australia with over five million visitors annually.

The beauty of the park is that it is a combination of botanical garden and native bushland flora. The park is home to over 324 native plant varieties and 80 bird species. (source). I will focus on a just few of the ones that caught my attention.

Kings Park Bushland flora (photo by author)

The tall (1.5–2 M) red kangaroo paw flowers caught my attention as soon as we started walking through the bushland area. It is named kangaroo paw because its shape is similar to a kangaroo’s paw. It grows best in sunny locations. It can tolerate a variety of soil types. The nectar-rich flowers are attractive to wildlife. It sounds like a plant to add to every garden in Western Australia.

Red Kangaroo Paw flowers and other bushland flora. (photo by author)

I discovered as we toured the garden that there are varieties of kangaroo paw flowers in other…



Rhonda Carrier
In Living Color

I’m a retired international educator. I love nature, gardening, photography, traveling, and spending time with my family.