Rotterdam Architecture

A Quick Tour

Lauri Novak
In Living Color


By a quick tour, I mean around three or four hours. Not nearly enough. Rotterdam has some incredible architecture. We hit a few of the known locations but missed so much more.

Rotterdam Centraal Railway Station was a favorite of mine. The sleek metal lines and shapes fed my architectural photography soul. At first glance, it gives off a Frank Gehry vibe.

It was designed as a cooperation between Benthem Crowel Architects, MVSA Meyer en Van Schooten Architects and West 8. There is a very cool ‘from above’ image on the West 8 website. And, you can read more about the project there if you’re interested.

As we exited the station, we headed down Mauritsweg Street. There were several buildings along the way that caught my eye.

©Lauri Novak



Lauri Novak
In Living Color

Award-winning fine art photographer, mentor, and author. An eye for architecture. Galleries/Tours/Mentoring: