Food & Photography

Savoring Sushi

From first bites to anniversary delights

Mystical Aries
In Living Color
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2024


My love for sushi knows no bounds — Photo credits: Author

Sangam and I really, really love sushi. It’s our absolute favorite food. Whenever we have something to celebrate, we always choose sushi.

I tried sushi for the first time when I moved from India to Denmark. Our friends got it for me, but Sangam wasn’t sure if I’d like it because it’s made with raw fish, which not everyone enjoys. I decided to give it a try anyway, and oh boy, I loved it! It was so delicious that I immediately became a sushi fan. Since then, whenever we feel like celebrating — whether it’s Friday or something else — we order sushi. We’ve ordered it so many times, I’ve lost count!

Yummy sushi platter with uramaki, nigiri, and sashimi, enjoyed at home — Photo credits: Author

For our first anniversary, we wanted to do something really special. So instead of having sushi at home like usual, we decided to go to a fancy restaurant. We thought it would be fun to have sushi in a nice place. We went to Sota Sushi restaurant in Aarhus, Denmark.



Mystical Aries
In Living Color

Writer > Traveler > Photographer > Nature lover > Food Lover > Adventure Enthusiast > Software Developer